Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Toddlers on a Plane

From the masters of horror who brought you Snakes on a Plane, a terror-filled new film is coming soon to a theatre near you: Toddlers on a Plane.  Based on the real-life events of Flight 721 and starring new faces Brynn “The Tazmanian Devil” Walker and Jonah “Hulk Out” Walker, be prepared for four hours of non-stop action at the expense of everyone within a thousand vertical feet.  Will our tragic heroes, Mom and Dad, have planned enough activities to prevent their children from being tackled by the air marshal and jailed indefinitely by the FBI?  This non-stop thrill ride will keep you on the edge of your seat…..which is good because if you were sitting back in your seat, the kids would probably be kicking you.

Why yes, that is a pair of (clean)
princess underwear on his
head.  Whatever it takes.
“I felt the plot dragged on (really four hours?) and eventually got a little repetitive.  To read Barnyard Dance three times reeks of a thrown together script.  It was like the writers thought a fourth bathroom break would actually keep the audience engaged.  Plus, how many times can you feed them fruit snacks and granola bars?  Someone needs to check those childrens’ glucose levels.” – Sean O’Connell, Washington Post  

“What a great plot twist to have the parents swap seats halfway through.  Total game changer that took the second half of the movie in a completely different direction.  Never saw it coming.” - Dad

“I thought there was great tension built up during the movie, almost Hitchcock-like.  I felt like the people getting kicked all flight long were about to go crazy.  Then when their shrieks started to crack the airplane windows, I thought it was over.” – Lisa Kennedy, Denver Post

“I am sick of these mother f*@^ing children on this mother f*@^ing plane!” – The lady in seat 21C

“Pour me a drink.” - Mom and Dad