Monday, March 5, 2012

Jonah turns one! (2 of 2)

Day 3 (Sunday): Saturday was too packed, so present opening got moved to Sunday morning.  The pile of presents from our family and friends was embarrassingly high and we couldn’t have been more thankful.  We feel bad that we moved Jonah away from all the family and friends who would have otherwise surrounded him on his special day.  What purges that guilt?  Presents, and lots of them.  Brynn eagerly showed Jonah the ropes and before we knew it, all of the presents have been opened, their contents strewn about on the living room floor, couch, end table, etc….  She got a little confused when we told her, “No Brynn, these are Jonah’s presents.”  Clearly we must be the confused ones so she continues to play with them.  Oh well, has plenty to go around.

We said goodbye to Steph and Peter as they headed back to Charlottesville.  They were such a  huge help.  Steph has always been good with the kids, but I came away from the weekend with a new appreciation for how good Peter is with them.  Our kids are lucky to have such great aunts and uncles.

After they left, Stephanie, Olivia and Jenn wanted to see the Holocaust Museum.  Since this is obviously not a very kid-friendly venue and I’ve seen it recently, I stayed home with the kids while the girls ventured into the city.  There is so much to see, they spent almost four hours there and don’t even get to see the special exhibit.  Another trip is definitely in order.  Afterwards, Stephanie and Olivia wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial really quickly.  Quick is a relative term, as it’s a much longer walk than it looks.  After another marathon day, our weary travelers headed home.  Jenn somehow mustered the energy to put together another fantastic meal.  We swapped stories about where we all were one year ago today, played a little poker using cheerios as our currency, and all slept very well that night.

Day 4 (Monday): Back to work after the fun weekend.  I woke up at my regular time (5:30) and headed to the gym.  After trying (and failing) to work off the four or five cupcakes I ate, I headed back home to shower, get dressed and go to work.  The kids were up by the time I was ready to leave, so I kiss them goodbye.  It’s at this time that Jenn reminds me that Monday is Jonah’s actual birthday.  I had completely forgotten.  Oh well, it’s a small price to pay for an epic birthweek.  Happy first birthday Jonah Jack Berkeley Walker.

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