Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Three day weekends: a great chance to clear out the DVR, go to the pool and catch up on your blog (cough).  For me, Memorial Day has usually meant the first paid holiday of the year, the first break after a long start to the year.  I always try and pause to think about what it takes to preserve my right to vote, complain about the government and buy bite size Butterfinger bars on a whim.  But to be honest, I’ve only known a handful of veterans and currently serving military in my life so this holiday has never had the impact it has for some.

Until this year.  My job this year has allowed me to work side by side with a lot of current military.  They don’t control my raise and aren’t reading my blog so I can guarantee this isn’t brown-nosing, but these men and women are phenomenal.  Everything that I love about a great co-worker I have found in literally every single one of the military leadership I’m lucky enough to work with.  Incredibly respectful, intelligent and humble, it makes me wonder if I should have joined ROTC in college.  I am honored to work with them as often as I get to.

The best example of this I can share without being shot is simple, but always seems to stick with me.  We have a long hallway at work.  As people pass, most keep their eyes down or maybe grunt a hello, myself included if I haven’t had my daily bite size Butterfinger.  But without exception, every military member looks you in the eye and says clearly, “Good morning Phil/Rick/Whiskey Juliet (don’t ask).”  Our country is doing something very right to have these folks on our side.  It sure makes me sleep a lot better at night.  Thank you to our military, past and present, for everything you do.

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