Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sandy Storms and Sugary Sweets

Sandy Storms and Sugary Sweets
So originally this blog was going to be an intense story of survival.  Braving the hurricane force winds with our two kids as we struggled to survive without power for days on end.  Frankenstorm, Snow-pocalypse, Winter-maggedon, but my favorite name of all for this impending doom was Brynn’s: Sandy Storm.  As Hurricane Sandy headed up the coast towards the Eastern seaboard, it seemed much less threatening when coming out of a three-year old’s mouth.  We put gas in the cars, charged all our devices, drank all the milk in the house, stocked up on batteries and bought a ton of non-refrigerated food including a delicious 12-pack of Oatmeal Cream pies….for the kids of course.

In no way do I want to be insensitive to those people who’ve been terribly hurt by “Sandy Storm.”  $30-$50 billion in damages and 175 lives lost.  They cancelled the NYC marathon and several people are still without power nearly two weeks after the storm hit New Jersey and New York.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone struggling out there.

For us though, Sandy Storm came and went.  The wind picked up, it rained for 48 hours and then as timidly as she had entered our lives, she left.  We were left with four pounds of beef jerky, eight cans of spaghettios and embarrassingly enough…only six oatmeal cream pies.  Brynn was left with a lack of respect for hurricanes, Jenn was happy that I’m not considered essential by my work and Jonah was just excited that everybody was home for four straight days.

So since I don’t have much more to report, I decided to throw in a note on Halloween.  The storm rolled out of town on Tuesday and Halloween was the next day.  Jenn made a great Peter Pan costume for Jonah and Brynn was an adorable Tinkerbell.  The size ratio was non-Disney official, but if Brynn stood back in the distance, it almost worked.  I was extra excited this year, because this was the first year that we were going Trick-or-Treating in our neighborhood.  When you live in a town home community on Halloween, being a kid is amazing.  The house per minute rate these kids achieved was dizzying and in only 25 minutes, we had a quarter of a pillow case full of candy.  We promptly put them to bed and helped ourselves.  I’m only assuming our parents did the same thing and we turned out fine…

So all-in-all it was a busy week.  With sugar highs and adrenaline crashes, Sandy storms and sweet sweet candy, October left with a bang.  Now if you’ll excuse me, a Three Musketeers bar is calling my name.  Don’t judge me. 

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